Diary of a hermit 2017 Rehearsal
_Diary of a Hermit’ is a dance-theater production for four dancers and an actor. The choreographer was inspired by 14th and 19th century poets and philosophers, as well as the writings of hermits who spent time investigating the questions of life. Throughout all cultures and times, there have always been poets, philosophers, and hermits.
Woven into the story of a fictional hermit - who reads from his own diary - are aspects of great thoughts throughout history. The dance and live music weaves in and out of the hermit's spoken text. On one hand, the performers are figures from his life emerging out of memories, on the other hand they represent ideas of great thinkers.
Throughout the performance, ‘Diary of a Hermit’ invites the audience to let go of their preconceptions about what dance, theatre, or even life, should be, and instead be inspired to inquire what life could be.
Special thanks to the patrons who generously donated to our wemakeit crowdfunding project
Karl Straub
Artistic Director & Choreopgrahy:
Anne-Sophie Fenner
Laura Witzleben, Sandra Klimek, Elisa Schreiber, Sina Nikolaus, Diane Gemsch
Acting, Singing and Violin:
Johannes Schwendinger
Sina Nikolaus
With Music by:
Zoe Keating, Michael Gordon, Nik Bärtsch and Tobias Preisig
Sara Pfaffen
Assistant & Office
Alexandra Zvekan
Choreography Assistant
Carina Neumer
Grafic Design Printmedia:
Ariane Gantenbein
Photo Postcard:
Sandra Frankenhäuser
Mike Krishnatreya and Christian Glaus
Mike Krishnatreya
Sinikka Jenni, movimento-projects.ch
Tour 2017
13. September, Zürich, Theater Rigiblick > Premiere
16. September, Biel, Rennweg 26
17. September Zürich Theater Rigiblick
19. September, Zürich Theater Rigiblick
22. September, Winterthur Theater am Gleis
4. October Zürich Theater Rigiblick
5. October Rapperswil Alte Fabrik Theater
21. October Zürich Theater Rigiblick
1. December Wil, Kulturwerkstatt
Tickets for all shows: ticketino.com